An actor/director/writer at their best, in any given moment of production, requires a high level of creative energy, so health and a quality result are forever linked. Actors need, on occasion, to transform their bodies into lean mean fighting machines.
A director needs to clear his head and stay focused on the task at hand while putting in the long hours editing and organization long after others have gone home. Your level of fitness will play into your ability to sustain focus, some days can feel like a marathon. A writer needs stamina and focus, fitness make the entire process quicker and more enjoyable.
So as a complement to your creative training, which will lead you into many wonderful opportunities, I would like you to consider Team No Excuses Fitnessas your choice to getting in shape for your craft. Quite simply when a film is finished the truth will be revealed and you will have no excuses, don't let your fitness be an obstacle to your success!